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  • Elie Pothier

02/05 : Never forget !

Dernière mise à jour : 7 mai 2021

On the Sunday morning, we went to the West of Jerusalem to visit the Holocaust Museum, also called Yad Vashem. Everybody was there : R🇪🇸, M🇺🇸, R🇫🇷, J🇪🇸, M🇬🇧 & E🇫🇷. Even tough, we had to wait a bit for late comers, that was the first time that the people I go out the most were all united.

First, I have to talk about the architecture of the museum. My mother had told me that this museum wasn’t like any museum. That whoever was the architect, had designed a beautiful museum ; which actually is in striking contrast to what the museum was about.

Second, I will also say that, in comparison to the Israel museum to which we went on Thursday, this museum was organized in a much better way. It was a journey through the lives of the Jewish people from the first discriminatory actions taken by European states towards the Jews in the 1930s to the aftermath of the War. A difficult historical journey to go through even as a non-Jewish.

Furthermore, I can say that even though I have studied the Second World War as well as the horrors lived by the Jews during this period at school, I had never attended something quite like this museum. At one point in the Museum, I had to stopped for a minute. I think that is because I had read so many stories of the hatred lived by and terrible violence done towards the Jewish people, which took an emotional toll on me.

I named this article « Never Forget » because what this museum reminded me is that even with all those international organizations and state structures that maintain today’s global society in order, in peace and guarantee freedom … humans are never far from turning into horrible beings, as exemplified by this museum. So let us never forget what happened and let us never fall into this pit ever, ever again.

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