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  • Elie Pothier

8th of June : Will Bibi join us for dinner ?

After a day of « hard » work, E🇫🇷🇮🇱, a French-Israeli who rented her room to R🇫🇷 for the exchange, invited us to have dinner at her place. E🇮🇱 is so nice and she works in a bloc-climbing place. R🇪🇸 went there early to help her with the food. The rest of the flat brought beers. And I helped cleaning the dishes since it is the only thing I can perform well. So, at this dinner, there was B🇩🇪, L🇲🇽, M🇺🇸, J🇨🇭, R🇫🇷, R🇪🇸, E🇮🇱 and I🇫🇷. Not only the dinner was delicious (tortillas, fish, hummus, …) and very pleasant, but then the group decided to sing songs all together. I had no idea but E sings very well. She was preparing to sing in an open mic place on Monday next. Another fun fact is that E🇮🇱 lives in the same street as Benjamin Netanyahu. There was blue lights flashing from a police car in the street during the whole evening. Another very pleasant evening ! We never get enough of these !

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